Ariadne’s note: We are honoured to present the World Poetry Empowered Award Winning poet in Dari and Farsi , Khawaja Abdullah Ahrar, father of World Poetry Youth Ambassador to Afghanistan and the US as well as a World Poetry International Team Member, Alaha Ahrar. Also the father of the Empowered Voice of Afghan Women, Hunsa Ahrar. Our prayers and blessings go out to Mr. Ahrar as he contiues to impove in health. Here is a recent letter that he wrote to World Poetry and his poem The Spiritual Values of Humans is translated into English by Alaha Ahrar.
Dear Ariadne Sawyer and World Poetry hello,
I am sending you this email to thank you very much for all your hard works and the great services that you do every year for the world poetry.Thanks to Canada and all Canadian poets, writers and every open-minded young man and woman , who worked with you in this process to bring Afghanistan’s poetry to Canada, and thanks for recognition and appreciation of my poems and writings. I am very sorry that due to a sudden heart problem , which very soon led to an open heart surgery, I could not come to Canada to receive my award in person, but I was there in spirit. I truly appreciate this award and it means a lot to all Afghans, Afghanistan and me.
Best regards,
Khawaja Abdullah Ahrar.
Proud of this proud man of honor!
It is a great honor and pleasure to know him. He is a one of the BEST Afghan men and the best poet of Afghanistan.
Thanks to the International World Poetry, Canada.
Well deserved! This family is a pride and simbol of morality, ethics and education in Afghanistan. This family is full of love and respect.
I am very happy that such a great man got recognition.